Roadmap – Innersloth – Creators of Among Us and The Henry Stickmin Collection! Thu, 02 Feb 2023 20:12:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Roadmap – Innersloth – Creators of Among Us and The Henry Stickmin Collection! 32 32 The Among Us 2023 Roadmap Thu, 02 Feb 2023 20:12:47 +0000

New Year New Bean!!!

It’s time for a roadmap of what we’re hoping to bring you in 2023! I’m not allowed to spill the beans (hehe) on all the secrets but I think there’s a lot to get hyped about.

Confession: I was supposed to publish this on Jan 31 but I totally forget heh.

First off – we want to make playing Among Us an easier, more intuitive experience. This means big focus on adding multiple updates to the UI and UX (user interface and user experience, respectively) of the game. Cleaning up the account merging flow, updating the store to be easier to navigate, making it easier to see how you can report a toxic player… these are all things we want to work on, and more. We don’t want anything to get in the way of you and your tasks.

Digging further into our roadmap, here are some further detail for you (but I can’t spoil anything so be patient with meeeeee):

  • Map 5: Yep, this is finally the year we get you a whole new map to explore! I can’t tell you what the theme is, but I CAN say it’ll have all new tasks for you to figure out, come with more cosmetics, and have fun surprises hidden around. We put a TON of love into our design process for these maps – you’ll notice that all our maps often have tinyyy details in them to make them feel satisfying and fun to play, if you take a look around. (My favorite details is the little bone anatomy image in the Airship.) We don’t want to skimp out on anything, so we’re excited to finally be gearing this map up for you to play later in the year!
  • Improved Matchmaking: With Hide n Seek mode, new roles, and the customization of our lobbies, we realize that many of you want to be able to find the games you want to play more easily and quickly. That’s why a big focus this year will be on adding features to matchmaking to ensure you are closer to the type of spacebean experience you want.
  • Quickchat Rework: Quickchat is a huge part of the game experience, and we want to refine the dialogue options while also making it easier to navigate. We’re always reviewing how you all use our features and systems, so don’t think we aren’t paying attention to you! <3
  • Collabs: AwwWWWWWWW yesSSSSSS. Collabs are SO FUN for us to do, and we love seeing your reactions to the chaotic things we get up to with other studios. We have some big ones planned for this year, and I think you’re gonna freak out it’s so cool. (Maybe I am freaking out right now.) (AHHHH.)
  • More??????: Alright so I’m going to tell you some things we would love to do at some point in the future BUT ONLY IF WE HAVE EXTRA DEVELOPMENT TIME, CAN TEST IT, WE AREN’T DYING, MAKE SURE IT DOESN’T BREAK EVERYTHING, AND IS APPROVED BY THE HIGHER POWERS IN TIME (e.g. platform partners). OK? SO THIS IS NOT A PROMISE IT WILL HAPPEN. I swear if one of y’all are like “uh but you promised in the dev log this would be out in 2023” NO I DID NOT. THIS IS ONLY IF WE HAVE EXTRA TIME. Okay anyway – so! If we have extra time and are able to, we would loveeeeee to add some more new roles into the game. We’ve already seen the fun you’ve been having with the Shapeshifter, Guardian Angel, Engineer, and Scientist, and how it creates a whole new way to play the game. We have a lot of other ideas up in our brain space, and hope we can share that with you at some point! Another thing we hope to work on are Friends List improvements so you’re able to do much more with the people you call “friends” (that would stab you in the back the minute you’re an Impostor but whatever).

Okay that’s enough random yelling from me! Thanks for reading through this entire dev log (because you definitely did right..? RIGHT?) and hope the beginning of 2023 has been treating you well! I am personally already dying and in a pit of despair but let’s not talk about that.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Crewmates, assemble! Greetings!

I hope the New Year has been a blast for you while also blasting away in The Skeld 🚀 I wanted to share a list of known bugs that we’ve found since our Hide n Seek update in December. But don’t worry, we’re working hard on crushing every single one of them to smithereens.

  • [All Platforms] Shapeshifters in a 2+ Impostor match are turning into a Crewmate Ghost if they were the first ones to be ejected
  • [Epic] A “Fatal Error” message appears when launching the game directly from the Epic Games Launcher
    • Additionally, there’s an issue where Crewmates aren’t able to achieve a “Tasks Done” win after one of the Shapeshifters in a 2+ Impostor match was the first one ejected
  • [All Platforms] Crewmates are getting killed by a Seeker while venting in Hide n Seek 
  • [Steam and iOS] An “An error occurred while signing in” error message comes up while trying to merge accounts
  • [Android, Steam, iOS] Disconnect issues are happening due to high pings during peak times (nights and weekends) 
  • [Android, iOS] Tasks are appearing empty in Hide n Seek and cannot be completed. For example:

We’re working on tackling these bugs and resolving them as soon as possible! As always, if you encounter any new issues, please reach out to us by submitting a ticket!

Catch you later my fellow Beanarinos! Don’t forget to eat real beans if you can. Fiber is good.



The roadmap looks exciting, doesn’t it? While we’re cooking up these items I’ll still be on the lookout for fanart and fun creations you’re all putting together. Speaking of together, this piece was a wonderful combination of players in our Discord adding their own Crewmates and Impostors to join our lonely Impostor.

Another super cool creation came from one of our own artists too! You may be familiar with Hannako’s work on a lot of our space beans and they got to submit this amazing arcade cabinet art for Gallery Nucleus. It even plays the Impostor theme Hide n Seek!

You can actually buy this mini cabinet (note: it’s an art piece so it doesn’t actually play the game) here!

That’s all for now! I gotta go clean some pizza out of these vents, but don’t worry – I’ll still be on the look out for your art and creations so don’t hesitate to tag your work with #amongusfanart or be posting in our Discord.



Among Us VR 2023 Roadmap Tue, 13 Dec 2022 16:20:27 +0000 It’s almost the end of the year, Crewmates!! 🥳🥳🥳

Before we head out for our end of the year holiday break, we’re thrilled to share some of our exciting plans for 2023. Of course, we can’t spill all the beans, but here’s a first glance at what’s to come.

We’ve been actively listening to all of your feedback and it has helped us prioritize our goals for 2023. Already, we’ve adjusted under-the-vent matchmaking processes in response to your reports of slow and frustrating wait times when playing with your friends — and even more quality of life improvements are underway! Our main priorities that are coming up are 🔧 Custom Lobby Settings 🔧, 📢 In-Game Reporting 📢, and 🎧 Voice Chat Moderation 🎧.

First and foremost, a large (and vocal) amount of you want to be able to customize your matches. We’re happy to announce that 🔧 Custom Lobby Settings 🔧 are coming! You’ll have to stay tuned for the specifics, but know we’re working diligently to give you the power to play how you want.

Another top priority for us is player safety. As so, major improvements to our moderation processes are on its way in early 2023. Not only will we be implementing 📢 In-Game Reporting 📢 tools for players to more easily identify, report, and eject problematic beans — but we are also implementing 🎧 Voice Chat Moderation 🎧 to further keep you beans protected!

In the meantime, we encourage you to continue utilizing our Official Support Form for player reporting. And, reminder, this is also a wonderful tool you can use to share any bug reports or feedback directly with our development team! We’re hungry to hear what’s important to you for the future of Among Us VR, so please let us know!

That’s all for now, beans. ✨✨✨

Among Us 2022 Roadmap Mon, 17 Jan 2022 19:14:10 +0000 Happy New Year, Crewmates!!

We’re excited to be back at work on our ship, and that means some exciting plans for 2022. As usual I am sworn to secrecy on the exact details, but here’s a peek at what we can talk about for now.


Our main priority at the moment are a Friend’s List and quality of life improvements.

I know I know, you’ve been asking for a Friend’s List for ages!! It’s happening!! Finally you’ll be able to keep in contact with any Crewmates you get along with … or keep tabs on your greatest enemies, I guess? We know a ton of you have found some lifelong friendships from this game and that’s really cool – we want to allow you to keep in touch and continue playing games together!

As for quality of life updates, many of you have found some of the account creation, Cosmicube redemption, chat choice, and other aspects of the game flow a bit confusing. Understandable! You’re basically experiencing the building of Among Us and our adjustment to its popularity with us haha. That being said, confusing you isn’t the goal, so making improvements to the UX is also coming up next. Thanks for being patient with us!

Additional Fun Things

You might’ve already seen it around our social channels, but here’s a list of things:

  • Ghostface cosmetics are coming to Among Us soon! These will be free and more info out soon. Some great streamers played together to celebrate, which you can see here.

  • Among Us will have a 1 shot manga feature in Bessatsu Corocoro magazine on April 2022.
  • We were the #1 downloaded game on PS4 and PS5 in December!!! WAH!!
  • Our official store has plushies on sale, plus some new Cosmicube, Impostor, and Henry Stickmin merch!
  • Other things are on the horizon (like some more information about Among Us VR!), but for now, that’s what we’re up to. You might see a bit of fun stuff popping up in the meantime, and of course, you can look forward to new content updates too. See you online!



    Among Us Roadmap Fri, 11 Jun 2021 20:24:59 +0000 Hey Crewmates!

    Just a quick update, but as part of the Summer Games Fest, we revealed a roadmap for Among Us’ future.

    Here’s what we have planned:

    • The next big update will be 15 player support with new colors (including Rose, Gray, Tan, and more), a slight graphics update, mobile controller support, and more. Details on this coming to you sooner than you think…!

    In no particular order, here’s what we want to work on after that:

    • A new map – Map 5! Very secret. What’s it gonna be on? Don’t ask me! I’m sworn to secrecy, I’m bad at secrets, and I would like to keep my job.
    • Achievements. For anyone who wants to prove they are  pros at the game. AKA not me, I’m a very anxious Impostor.
    • Account linking between platforms. All your save data and cosmetics, available on your platform of choice.
    • New roles and ways to play. VERY SECRET. OR MAYBE I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT’S UP. 
    • Hide n’ Seek mode. Come out come out wherever you areee.
    • Visor cosmetics. Even more ways to fix a ship in style! Yes it may block your vision but at least you’ll be fashionable.
    • Consoles (Xbox and PlayStation). I get it, you want to know when. I can’t tell you. I’M SORRY. When I can I will!!
    • Take a nap at some point, idk, the churn of capitalism is rough

    Once we can give you more concrete dates we will, but there’s A LOT to be excited for in the coming months. Keep an eye out this weekend too on our Twitter or via the newsletter… there’s more we have in store for you. 

    See you soon!

    Social Links
